Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthcare Reform is Socialism? Really?

Last Sunday culminated the past year of debate about health care reform in this country with the Democrats passing reform legislation without a single vote from the Republican side of the aisle.  The hysteria that ensued has been breath-taking.  Death threats, spitting on my Congressman, calling one member the "N" word, and another the "F" word.  Cutting gas lines to yet another member's brother's home. Civility be damned!

Now I realize that for some Americans, it is really scary that we have an African-American president. (though I've never heard him refer to himself in this way) And even scarier is the progress he campaigned on to win the election. And damn it!  Win he did, by a landslide.  So of course, elections have consequences, one of which is that you are in charge of trying to herd the cats.

But an honest look at this latest legislation just doesn't measure up to the hype by EITHER side of the health care debate.  Let me be clear - I am happy that the Democrats passed something on health reform.  But I also know its a big bunch of hype for them to strut around as if they just created a brand new health care system as if its akin to Medicare or something.

An honest read of the legislation shows it to be clearly just simple set of regulations to curb customer abuses by the health insurance industry.  I mean, really!  If you replaced the words 'health insurance' with any public utility company you will get a much more accurate impression of what this legislation really accomplishes.

And then there's those pesky Republicans.  The alarms they are sounding are absolute hysteria.  Its as if they didn't even read the legislation for themselves. They just believed all the hype the Democrats were dishing.  Why would they be so virulently against requiring that everyone buy a product from their benefactors??  And so violently against a perfectly benign piece of legislation. Really?

Now, in the beginning, I had high hopes for actual health care reform.  I allowed all the doomsday ranting from the right to convince me that we were going to finally get universal health care (a much different proposition than universal health insurance).  No? Oh well, then surely we'll get the public option (like medicare for all, if you choose to buy into the program).  Its a good place to start.  But noooooo! The public option didn't even make it into the final bill.

See, the trouble is, the insurance lobby has paid off so many of these legislators, in both houses of Congress, in BOTH parties, the best we could to after 14 months of debate is a set of watered down regulations.

And yet, my facebook page is filled with posts from people screaming about how overnight we have been turned into a socialist country. (Believe me brothers and sisters, it will not be that noticeable and you'll be too busy ranting about whatever they want you to rant about to even see it coming).  The news shows are filled with vitriolic threats from those whose team lost in the last election.  They look at us as if we stole it or something!

So now, as I wind up my own rant, I leave you with a few digs at Sarah Palin (my favorite punching bag - just because with Sarah ignorance is bliss), John Bonior and Rush Limbaugh.

One day, it will be morning in America again: we will have universal health care, access to a doctor of our choice, the abortion rate will have fallen dramatically (because anyone who actually comprehends what they read will tell you that statistics don't lie - fully funded family planning reduces unwanted pregnancies), we won't be a socialist country, but a fully democratic one, legislators that lie to the people to incite violence will be promptly voted out, and Turd Limbaugh will live in Costa Rica as he promised (if they will have him) downing his pills and spouting his hate speech from far, far away.

Thanks for reading.

"I will never be complacent again. Been there, done that, and we got Chimpy McFlightsuit (aka GWB)."
-Terri Sherron

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