Monday, August 4, 2008

Is Obama a Pinata? (Or, The Silence is Deafening)

This is my first blog post so let me say at the outset that I am doing everything I am able to do to help elect Senator Obama. This includes canvassing, phonebanks, well you get it - the tried and true volunteer jobs. I have been working the field in a republican district for the democratic candidate there and have been joyously surprised at the warm response to Obama I have heard. Now some may say that "warm" is kind of cold, but this is actually a republican district I am talking about. We are fleshing out the independent voters and they seem to be at least 'open' to Obama. In my view, this is a good thing, and its possible to increase the numbers for the dems. Now, on to the subject of this post.

Many of you have probably seen Steve Behen's article on the Huffington post labeling McCain's campaign "Pinata Politics". If not, its a good read and made me question why there is no rebuttal from our camp for the list of offensive swipes McCain has taken. Where is the DNC for example? Axelrod? etc? Then I realized that rather than ask these questions to my fellow canvassers, I needed to be asking these questions of the campaign itself.

So here it is - just my opinion:
As a seasoned politico (snark) I remember the most important rule learned in the 1992 campaign 'silly season' was "Hit back, Hit harder, Return to the issues". The last two presidential elections have woefully ignored this rule, and heartbreakingly lost to the most corrupt regime in our nation's history (but that subject is for another blog). It's simple, really. Out here in the heartland, people want to vote for someone who will stand up for them. So they assume that if a candidate doesn't stand up for him(her)self, then a) the accusation must be true, or b) if (s)he won't stand up to fight this lie, (s)he won't stand up for me.

It will be no surprise to many of you that most people don't pay attention to the politics of America the way we do. Not many will hear the quote from McCain advisor Rick Davis that "McCain doesn't speak for the campaign" - but most will certainly hear the "Paris" ad through free media supplied to McCain by the MSM.

So the following is what I want to see for our campaign response:
Steve Behen has graciously written the script for us should we choose to accept it. I want to see McCain blind-folded wildy swinging a bat at the pinata while the baritone voice reads the list. I want the MSM to salivate over the "hit" on McCain. I want the 24/7 free media to analize the ad adnauseum. Politics ain't beanbag, folks.

Hit back, Hit harder, Return to the issues. Until then, the silence is deafening.

Thanks for reading.

Obama 08

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.