Thursday, August 28, 2008

Open letter to former President Bill Clinton

Dear Mr. President,

I apologize, for I should have remembered: that every time you have been counted out you have come back even stronger; that every time you have been accused of being a fence-sitter you have voiced your opinion with strong clarity; that even in the face of a crushing loss you have proven to be the true patriot I always believed you to be; and tonight, after days of rumors about 'his feelings are hurt' you have spoken loudly and unequivocally about your love for our nation and united our Democratic Party.

I know this was difficult for you and for Hillary. But I should never have doubted that the two of you would put your party and especially your country first. So my apology to you is for my own creeping doubt. I simply failed to remember.

Tonight you gave a stunning indictment of John McCain and the Bush administration, laying it open for all the world to see. There can be no denial of what this election is really about. If America doesn't take your advice this time, and elect Barack Obama, I fear for our nation and the world.

Thank you Mr. President, for a wonderful endorsement speech. Once again, you hit it out of the park.

Terri Sherron
(Clinton delegate '92)

"I won't be complacent this time. Been there, done that, and we got Chimpy McFlightsuit."
-Terri Sherron

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