Friday, August 15, 2008

Six to One

Today while mopping my kitchen floor I started to cry. Call it stress fatigue, war fatigue, Bush fatigue - whatever.

I had just taken a break from my housework and opened the Friday edition of the Huffington Post to an article about troop donations to the presidential candidates. While reading this article my heart swelled with pride and my eyes teared up. I clicked the link to look at the actual chart provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. It does show Senator Obama has received the most donations of $200 or more. (Read the chart posted at and decide what it means to you.)

Then I read some of the comments posted below the chart. Now, reason tells me that these nasty posters are trying to earn their McCain frequent poster points - but still! Some of these people are so nasty, and think NOTHING of disparaging these troops because they dare to have a different political opinion from the narrow-minded view they post.

The best argument posted for the troop donations in Obama's favor:

"It is true that FEC records can be misleading. In this case, however, they may actually be skewed in McCain's favor, if anything. After all, they don't even include the contributions of about $25 apiece that have fueled the Obama fund raising machine here at home

As far as the logic of active duty military supporting Obama, why not? Obama votes with the troops. McCain votes against them. That's why the DAV gives Obama a 92% rating and McCain gets only 28%. Likewise, the Vietnam Vets of America also give Obama 92% while their fellow Vietnam Vet, McCain gets a mere 37%. And, the Iraq and Afghanistan Vets of America give McCain a "D" and Obama a "B".

The active duty troops giving $$ to Obama must be paying attention to the facts about McShame and his wretched voting record...instead of watching Fox Noose."

I researched these claims, too. Both the DAV and IAVA have given the senators the rating quoted by the poster. I was unable to verify the Vietnam Veterans of America rating.

I started mopping the kitchen while thinking over all that I had just read. And the tears started rolling. The realization that these people are putting their lives on the line for us while voting for change. Scraping together whatever they can, just like the rest of us, and sending it to a candidate for president because they believe the policy must change.

While I mopped, my mind whirled through our history from our national disgrace at how horribly we treated the Vietnam veterans upon their return home to what these nasty posters' were writing today. Both acts are equally loathsome, and both do irreparable damage to our soldiers and to our national psyche. I am not saying this because the story is about soldiers for Senator Obama. When I read posts from soldiers and vets who support this policy I pause to ask myself questions, like "what does he/she know that I don't know?" I certainly don't blatantly disrespect them for having an opposing political opinion.

In my view, its our duty to support the troops, and they have done a whole lot more than what has been asked of them. But it is equally our duty to support them with sound policies, well-planned missions, the equipment they will require to be successful, and the best medical care when they return home. It sickens me to read that we cannot get a bill passed to fund mental health services for these soldiers but the greedy corporate military contractors are raping our treasury of those same funds.

So if some of the men and women in uniform support Senator Obama it should be no surprise. That the donations indicate a 6-1 ratio is, to repeat the word used by CRP “shocking.”

That’s my 2 cents. Thanks for reading.

Here is a fun video - enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Excellent Article Sherron, your Mother is justifiably proud....Kirk

oldhippie01 said...

Hey Sherron, this is my third attempt. I just wanted to compliment you on your Article. I posted it on the SCC Board yesterday. I am Kirk, your Mothers Ciber Friend and she turned me on to your Blog. She is justifiable proud of you.........Kirk

Sherron4truth said...

Thanks to the SCC board for your support. My Mom shares alot of funny comments from the board with me.

I hope you will keep looking me up, and sharing your opinions with me.

sibyl said...

Good work Sherron and I agree with Kirk that we should all be proud of you for keeping us informed. I have read other places, too, where many of our GIs are for Obama. For the benefit of others: I am an 80 yr. old Senior white woman who is proud to be a Barack Obama supporter. Thanks for the great article. Sibyl