Monday, September 15, 2008

WASU (and a few other observations)

WASU (Women Against Sarah Unite)
The other night while I was watching an MSNBC
program on Sen. Obama's biography, they pre-empted their show to join live coverage of Gov. Sarah Palin's homecoming to Alaska to "cram" for her first public interview with Charlie Gibson. All's fair, I thought to myself at the time and switched the channel. But soon discovered that nearly all of the cable news stations had done the same. (See CNN, MSNBC, FOX) Later, I found a video from CBS reporting that "about a thousand jubilant supporters" had crammed into the airplane hanger to welcome her home. Okay, I thought, pretty good crowd considering how large the state is and people are so spread out.

But you know what the MSM didn't show you? Nearly 1500 people gathered to rally against Gov. Palin after she had finished her little speech. I was stunned to say the least, but not really surprised. Stunned that more people came out to stand up against her than showed up to support her. Not surprised in the least that the "news" failed to cover them, because after all, the WASU group doesn't really fit into the BS narrative that they are trying to sell you. (No fairness doctrine, remember?)

So here is an article , written by a blogger that attended both events, including video and pictures. I am inspired by this in more ways than I can cover in this space, so I will just say that the organizers came up with an idea to stand up while talking around the kitchen table and put the plan into action. People all across this country can do the same thing. Also, I must admit that while the scenic pictures of Alaska are beautiful, and Northern Exposure was a great television show, my unfavorable opinion of Alaska was limited to "the bridge to nowhere" Sen. Stevens (indicted, now on trial for corruption). I was very pleased to see that not all women in Alaska are like Sarah Palin, in fact, we are very similar. This video and the comments were very inspiring to me. I hope they will be to you as well.

News They Won't Use
By the way, this is the second instance in the past three weeks that the main stream media has refused to cover a story that points to any fracture in the Republican party. "What else?", you might ask. Were you aware that Rep. Ron Paul (Republican presidential primary candidate this year) staged an alternative convention, in the same city, at the same time as the Republican National Convention was being held in St. Paul, MN?? So what, you might say. Well, 12,000 people showed up for Ron Paul. And after weeks upon weeks of MSM covering the "split in the Democrat Party" ad nauseam, and the PUMA protesters (all 80 of them) isn't it more than just a little hypocritical to NOT cover the Ron Paul convention?

Lipstick on a Pig (Unfair to Pigs!)
Much ado has been made of Sen. Obama's "lipstick on a pig" remark complete with the McCain campaign saying that it was an insulting to Gov. Palin. Never mind that Obama was talking about McCain trying to paint himself as "the change agent in this election", what does it say about the honor and integrity of the "war hero" who would take an expression he often uses and turn it into "Obama called Palin a pig"?

"I won't be complacent this time. Been there, done that, and we got Chimpy McFlightsuit."
-Terri Sherron

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