Wednesday, December 8, 2010

An Open Letter to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Personally, I am really disappointed and disgusted. The wealthiest among us are the ones who have crippled this economy and brought America to her knees. The military Industrial complex has poorly prosecuted two wars (one of which was ILLEGAL) effectively "breaking the bank"; the Republican congress passed legislation handing the wealthy the largest transfer of wealth in our history, syphoning off the entirety of the surplus we created in the late 1990's; and the greedy bankers raped the poor and middle-class of any wealth they may possible accumulate by stealing the equity of their real-estate holdings, and many times the real estate itself.

Now I am supposed to sit back and suck it up while 1.) I have been served notice that my wage will be frozen at $14.85 per hour for the next 2 years, and 2.) instead of heading off to prison, these greedy bastards will be getting an extension of their $700 billion tax cut!?!!  No thankyou.

Mr. President, what? may I ask you is fair and equitable about that?? The only thing this tax deal accomplishes is to push the debate off until next year, when you will not have a congress controlled by your party, but by people who have already publically stated that they have no intention of working with you. So I ask again - WTF???

If you really look at the data - back when the Bush tax cuts were enacted - My salary was $23,000 per year, and this act increased my taxes $100 per month - YES! My taxes went UP!! Bush lied (surprise!). So my position is to let ALL of the act expire and make the Republicans come up with a reasonable plan to stabilize our economy.

And why do you suppose that we still have +9% unemployment??? It sure isn't because those wealthy people are creating jobs (the garbage touted by the GOP). No, because no matter how much you give them - they will always keep it all for themselves. GREEDY OLD PANZY-ASSES!!

So I respectfully ask you, Mr. President, to reconsider the deal and leave it on the table. Walk away and gather the Dems, create an equitable tax deal for middle-America and come out swinging. Make it be known that the GOP is standing in the way of progress - not YOUR OWN PARTY MEMBERS!!

Oh, and one more thing - STOP lecturing me on how to get along with an opposition party who by their very nature prides themselves on NOT GETTING ALONG!!

You said yourself "We took a schellacking" in the last election. Is this REALLY the lesson you took away from it? If so, we really need to spend some quality face time to bring you up to speed.

Terri Sherron

(Note: I did not knock on doors six days per week for eight months to elect Barack Obama just to then have this insulting crap shoved in my face.)

"I will never be complacent again. Been there, done that, and we got Chimpy McFlightsuit (aka Bush 43)."
-Terri Sherron

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