Saturday, January 8, 2011

No O'Reilly Interview

My Dear Mr. President,

This open letter serves as my intention to try and persuade you to cancel the planned interview with Fox news and Bill O'Reilly on Super Bowl Sunday.

First, let me state clearly that I deeply admire the sensible, pragmatic peacemaker that lives in your soul. I am very proud that you are my president. And, on some level, I even understand the mano e mano thing that makes you want to walk right into the lion's den and call him out. No one can doubt your bravery, for you have given us multiple examples of your strength and courage.

But, I implore you to consider that this is a different situation. I should not have to point out that this network generally, and O'Reilly specifically, have slandered your position as President since the day you became a candidate. He has openly lied about your birthplace, your education, your work experience and credentials, he has called you a terrorist and tied you to nefarious characters while ignoring the actual facts of placement. He has denigrated the First Lady and your children. After all this verbosity on the part of O'Reilly, I have to ask you, what is his agenda? Why an interview on Super Bowl Sunday?

Could the answer be found within the battle of a ground campaign being fought by millions of your own supporters? Its called 'Turn Off FOX', and we are working very hard to get businesses to turn the TV to a LEGITIMATE news source. Do you see that if O'Reilly can get you to go on the FAKE News network, then he wins. And if O'Reilly wins America loses.

We are working hard to convince America that their trust should not lie exclusively with a network that makes up reports and fabricates video solely for the purpose of inflaming the masses into division and hatred for political gain. Remember Shirley Sherrod? Acorn porn stars? Weapons of mass destruction??? Their list of lies goes on and on.

And if the agenda is not to shred you, or your core supporters, why not Chris Wallace? Or tape a simple Q&A with Joe Buck or Chris Meyers or Terry Bradshaw? Why is it specifically O'Reilly?

I fear that he has shown us repeatedly, and once his editing is completed he will make you look like a fool, and you will have demoralized your core base of support.

Please, Mr. President, maintain your wall of resistance and cancel your interview.

"I will never be complacent again. Been there, done that, and we got Chimpy McFlightsuit."

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